How clictoprint executes dropshipping

Ever wondered how e-commerce giants like Amazon, Flipkart have almost everything and can even deliver it to you in a day or two?! With a nationwide business model, have you ever wondered how they manage to stock such different varieties of products in huge numbers and achieve their on-time delivery promise? Well, just to enlighten you, these sellers over achieve basis the concept of dropshipping. So what is dropshipping? It is a process by which sellers list and take orders on their store or website but drop-shippers / third party vendors, manufacture the product, pack and ship the product to the customer directly in the name of the seller to whom the customer had placed the original order. This process makes the entire selling and distribution process simple and cost-efficient too. So what makes the dropshipping process so successful? The idea of a business is that the product or service has to reach the end-user and it involves various aspects suc...