How to make a FORTUNE and Keep it!
Let’s talk about Erika Leonard… Erika who? You might ask! Erika Leonard is a British author who goes by the pseudonym E. L. James and is known for her bestselling “Fifty Shades” trilogy. However, E. L. James didn’t quite have her books flying off the racks of bookstores or Amazon at the early stages of her career. Probably, none of the bookstores or Amazon even stocked these books. E.L. James, amongst others, is perhaps one of those authors that didn’t wait for an agent to sign her up. She is a self-published author and initially distributed and sold her books as an e-book and also as paperback issues by using a Print on Demand service. Similarly, there are several other successful self-published authors such as Hugh Howey, Amanda Hocking, Lisa Genova, Michael J. Sullivan and K.A Tucker. Some have even had their books printed in their basement. And there are those without a big basement that printed their books solely on demand. Print on Demand is, as the name goes, simple....